Headshot of woman in plaid shot, arms crossed in a black plaid shirt.


Professional problem solver, business developer, coach, cheerleader and optimist.

Founder of The Positivist Group, a band of merry seasoned professionals transforming visionary organizations across Canada.  #people #culture #performance 

10 Questions for Business Agility in 2023

If your goal for yourself or your company is to thrive, not just survive, this year and long into the future, take some time to consider the following 10 macroeconomic trends when you're setting big hairy audacious goals this year. Here are some questions to consider now and in the future, to develop business agility, organizational sustainability and a thriving culture. Climate change and sustainability If you're a business operating in 2023, you have probably either intentionally or...

Developing an innovative culture.

Developing an innovative culture.

Holy hells bells, everyone wants to innovate these days, but guess what that means... innovative people. What are some qualities of innovative people? Innovation commonly comes alongside independence (gross!), passion (ugh!), emotion (nooo!), obsession (eek!), non-conformation (come on! is that even a word?), resistance to being managed (doh!), among a veritable kaleidoscope of other beautiful characteristics. If words like "intrapreneurship", "disruption", "revolutionary", "pace of change",...

Just one breadcrumb.

Just one breadcrumb.

I dare you to take 2 minutes - right now - to sit and think about something that you greatly desire for yourself but haven't started to make real. Let's call it a "glimpse"; a whisper of a vision......What is holding you back?Are you too old? Not old enough? Not educated or knowledgable enough? Not brave enough? Not financially independent enough? Too invested in other priorities? Does it feels selfish to consider it?Is there one tiny breadcrumb that you can leave behind you today, to guide...