Headshot of woman in plaid shot, arms crossed in a black plaid shirt.


Professional problem solver, business developer, coach, cheerleader and optimist.

Founder of The Positivist Group, a band of merry seasoned professionals transforming visionary organizations across Canada.  #people #culture #performance 

Thriving in the Lean Economy

Thriving in the Lean Economy

Embrace Agile and Lean for Success! In today's fast-paced and ever-changing economy, business owners and leaders face a remarkable challenge: leading their teams to survive and thrive amidst scarcity. Adopting effective management strategies is essential as the business environment leans towards leanness with fewer resources, time constraints, and increasing workloads. Fortunately, two powerful tools in the toolbox can elevate your team's performance and drive success: Agile and Lean...

Unravelling the Enigma- The Power of Sales

Unravelling the Enigma- The Power of Sales

A Key Ingredient to Business Success In the realm of business, a skill set is both polarizing and underrated – sales. It is the driving force that propels successful ventures forward, yet it often takes a backseat to other aspects of entrepreneurship.The Art of Sales: The Unsung HeroPicture sales as the unsung hero of the business world may not always be in the spotlight, but it is the backbone upon which successful enterprises are built. Even the most innovative ideas and groundbreaking...

Belonging vs. Fitting In

Belonging vs. Fitting In

Piecing Together the Puzzle of Authenticity Hello, puzzle solvers of the world! Like puzzle pieces in a grand masterpiece, each of us brings a unique shape and colour to the picture of life. Discover how to find your place in the puzzle while feeling whole and cherished, like the most treasured collection piece. The Puzzle of Belonging and Fitting in A colourful puzzle filled with diverse pieces, each representing a distinct aspect of life. Belonging and fitting in might seem similar, but they...

The Magical Quest of Trust

The Magical Quest of Trust

From Business Philosophy to Epic Reality! Hola, business trailblazers! Join us as we unravel the mysteries of turning business philosophy into wondrous reality—the magical power of trust! What is this elusive trust thingy, and why is it so darn important for companies? Trust: The Magical Ingredient In the world of business, trust is what transforms philosophy into reality! It's like the "abracadabra" that binds teams together, fostering collaboration, creativity and a sprinkle of unicorn...

On being the dumbest person in the room.

On being the dumbest person in the room.

"Sometimes it’s the dumbest things that end up being the most profound." Me (Erin), from episode #1 of podcast Weirdos in the Workplace In a world where social anxiety can overshadow our confidence, I'd like to stretch our thinking a little bit. What if feeling like the "dumbest person in the room" was not a disadvantage but an opportunity for growth and transformation? Today, we'll explore the role of the learner in a constantly evolving world, the advantages of being a generalist, and...

An every day reminder to be kind.

An every day reminder to be kind.

Girls are cruel. As the mom of two teen girls, that statement feels as true today as it was 30 years ago. Why? Today is #internationalwomensday and my mind can't help but think that one of the best measures of progress must be how our girls treat other peoples' girls. Girls grow up into women, and if we want to create strong thriving communities of successful women who are lifting each other up, we can't afford to be afraid of each other and we can't afford to tear each other down....

“Management” isn’t a dirty word.

When the whole world is talking about inclusive leadership, it feels like managers have been completely forgotten or worse... that management is a dirty word. Because we all know managers are bossy and directive and leaders are collaborative and visionary. Right? Ummm... that's not how this works in real life. We know how important leadership is, but most of us need to wear more than one hat and sometimes the way we talk about leadership it feels a little bit... privileged. As...

#ManagingMillennials – why transparency is so important

I could probably summarize this entire post in one word. Values. We were born in the 80s to mid-90s as the third industrial revolution was well underway; the evolution of the internet and communication technologies punctuated our young lives and as technology advanced, so too did we grow and mature. The more information we aggregated and shared, the more we recognized that we'd all been lied to. We'd been built into people who lacked faith because it was demonstrated over and over again that...

Every act of creation is first an act of destruction.

It’s interesting how the loss of identity feels like a death, even when you’ve made it a conscious choice. But the beautiful thing is, with your identity, you will always reincarnate, and with a little work, your next version will be even better.

Stop being so selfish.

Stop being so selfish.

Here's your pep talk for Week 1 of 2023. We need to flip the script (the one in our heads) and stop selfishly hiding ourselves away. It's 2023, and if we haven't figured it out by now, the world is in desperate need for all of us to stop being so damn *intentional* about everything and just get the heck out there, guns blazing. There is room for all of us to shine in our most expansive and terrifying forms... the universe is literally limitless. If you're waiting for an invitation. Here it...